by soft_techkome soft_techkome No Comments

In this bellow cover we are using a normal bellow cover . And covering it with a stainless steel strips these type of bellow cover is called stainless steel bellow cover . Metal strip increasing bellow life as compare to a normal bellow cover it is like a heat proof bellow cover . Normal bellow cover life is less then that type of Bellow cover . As steel is resisting hot chips and protecting machine moving elements . SS strips are using to cover the bellow cover with metal because to protect bellow from hot chips . Most of the machine tool builder are using that type of bellow cover in a machine . Some are using it in z axis of a vmc machine that is vertically axis of a machine .

Bellow cover are protecting devices uses to protect machine moving elements . These are uses to protect machine moving element .


Bellow covers are available in different types shapes . These are be in C shape and also in flat shape . It should be round shape for a ball screw and be square shape for round shaft covering . High quality CNC Bellows manufacturer for machines in India .

If hot chips are accumulate in machine then stainless steel strips are used to protect bellow from burning by hot chips. Cost of these type of cover is high as compared to normal bellow cover .

Contact us for Stainless steel Bellow cover

if you are looking for a Bellow cover with best quality then you can call us for bellow cover at mobile numbers +91 7888776715,9915759967 .

You can write an e mail us at and visit at

We are waiting for your visit and for your call for a good quality and good price bellow cover. We will deliver you a high quality product that will meet you expectation .

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